Michael Jay
Author, Journalist, Voice Over Artist, Videographer, General Pest

Hello! I'm Michael Jay Tucker...
...and this is my little place on the web. Please come in and have a look around.
As for what you'lI find here, well, I am a writer, a journalist, and a general dilettante playing around with graphics, audio, video, and what-have-you. So you can expect to find here everything from text to pictures to noise.
You can check out my books and other writings on my book page, here. I've gotten interested in video of late, so you can see my video efforts on this page, here. More recently, I've started doing experiments with reading aloud and voice over, and you can see some examples of that here.
I've also been playing around with graphics, and, so, you'll not be surprised to learn that I've got a graphics page as well. There is also a page full of links to the various other spots where I've got a web-presence, like my Amazon author's page, my Soundcloud page, and so on.
If you want to see what I'm writing right at the moment, check out my blog, explosive-cargo, a.k.a. Xargo.
Oh, and last but not least, if you're interested, I've got an About Me Page as well.
So, come on in, and make yourself at home. And, by the by, be sure to drop me a line and subscribe to my newsletter. You can do that, here.
Onward and upward!