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He’s Hunting Them Down

Note: something new. Here's my most recent blog posting, but if you'd prefer to see it as a video rather than read it as a text, just click on the picture of the werewolf below and you'll hear my sultry tones rather read my deathless prose :-)

So I saw a fascinating article in Politico the other day, “How Trump is hunting down the GOP’s leading families: In his attempt to exercise full dominion over the Republican Party, Donald Trump has reserved a special fury for the dynasties that helped shape it,” by David Siders. In it, Mr. Siders notes that Trump is now working overtime to remove anyone who might in any fashion challenge his control of the GOP.

Thus, says the article, the Former Guy has directed his vitriol, and his fanatical followers, at such political clans as the Bushes, the Cheneys, the McCains, the Romneys, and, well, anyone else who has any remote claim to being among the Party’s historical grandees.

He's Hunting Them.

I find this disturbing, and worrying, because say what you like about them, these people and their families have done a great deal to shape and maintain America’s center right politics, and the Republican Party, for decades. For them to be so unceremoniously and so completely flushed from the ranks of the faithful is sad, and frightening. We are seeing what was once a great party, the GOP, transformed into a mere cult of personality. (And what happens, I wonder, when Trump himself is no longer there to head it up.)

So, a memo to the Bushes, the Cheneys, the McCains, the Romneys, etc. For God’s sake, wake up! Unite and fight back, now, while there is still time.

Because the Party your families helped guide for so long, will be merely a memory.

And you, yourselves…?

Who is to say that “hunting” you down will remain, in an age of Trump, merely a metaphor?


Until next time…

Onward and upward



Source: “How Trump is hunting down the GOP’s leading families: In his attempt to exercise full dominion over the Republican Party, Donald Trump has reserved a special fury for the dynasties that helped shape it,” by David Siders, Politico, 05/07/2021 05:07 AM EDT, Updated: 05/07/2021 03:07 PM EDT.

Copyright©2021 Michael Jay Tucker

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